Key Nutritional Benefits of Sprouted Wheat


Bay State Milling’s Innovation is focused on creating nutritional enhanced grain based foods.  With this in mind, we have developed BeneGrain sprouted wheat, seeds and other grains. Currently, studies are underway to determine the impact of Bay State Milling’s sprouting process on the nutritional profile, sensory characteristics, and performance of wheat, seeds and other grains.  This document is intended to provide an up-to-date overview of the nutritional benefits of sprouted wheat based on the current literature.


Sprouted wheat’s popularity is growing health benefits imparted during the sprouting process. The germination process enhances the quality of nutrients and bioactive compounds of wheat through the activation of various enzymes.  The activation of these enzymes results in an overall increase in the availability and content of minerals, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and an increase in protein solubility and digestibility.  These changes occur by one of two ways; either (1) by the breakdown of carbohydrates during germination resulting in a concentration of minerals, fiber, protein and vitamins or (2) by the biosynthesis of nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin C, β-carotene,  phenolic acids and folate during germination.

Minerals, such as as Cu, Fe, K, Zn, Mg, Ca, Na, P are significantly increased

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, folate, and β-carotene are significantly increased


Dietary fiber and protein solubility and digestibility are increased

Starch content is reduced

  • Antioxidants like Ferulic acid content is increased
  • Phytic acid content is reduced because of phytase activity. Phytic acid can bind to minerals reducing their bioavailability.  A reduction in phytic acid will increase the bioavailability of minerals in wheat flour.